In aeronautic and Aerospace engineering books app you will get knowledge about space engineering,aircraft engineering,aviation engineering,avionics engineering,astronautics,aerospace industry.There are lots of aerospace companies which hire aerospace engineers like hindustan aeronautics limited, collins aerospace,as9100,hal recruitment,institute of aeronautical engineering.In this app you will also know about aerospace manufacturing,aerospace engine and aerospace corporation.There are also discussed about defense aerospace in this app.
The other topics which have been covered in this apps are:
Aerospace Materials
Aerospace Systems Engineering
Aircraft Design
Avionics Systems
Chemistry of Engineering
Communicative English
Complex Variables
Computer Programming and Application
Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus
Electrical and Electronics Technology
Electrical Circuit Analysis
Engineering Economics
Feedback Control System
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
High Speed Aerodynamics
Industrial and Business Management
Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering
Mechanics of Materials
Numerical Methods in Engineering
Orbital Mechanics
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Space System
These are the main topics which have been covered in the app . There are also lots more subtopics which haven't been mentioned here but are in the app.Thanks for reading the full description and being with us.